Thursday, March 24, 2005

Lil' Bits

Well, a few bits of news.

First, I'm finally starting to get shoulders. This has always been important to me for some reason. I have it in my head that if I can make my shoulders a bit wider, it would make my waist look narrower, even if my waist wasn't actually narrower. If I can get some shoulders on me and have a narrower waist, even better. So having a bit of shoulders is exciting to me.

(This is why I think weight training is important. You can diet and do cardio, and your body will end up in the same shape, just smaller. By creating muscles, you actually have the power to "create" your shape a bit.)

Second, I actually wrote 1,000 words last night. I do that a few more times I'll actually have a new short story for the first time in months.

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