Sunday, February 13, 2005

Sunday Book Review: The Navy Seal Workout

I'll be honest with you--I only use this book for the ab routine.

Not to say the book isn't great. It's got three sections--one upper body workout, one ab workout, and a section on cardio.

It also divides each section into suggested workouts for the beginning, intermediate, and advanced training.

The upper body workout section is entirely "weightless." No dumbbells or barbells here, but lots of pull-ups and push-ups. Why didn't I ever use it? Well, I guess I just never got advanced enough to do pull-ups. Or a pull-up.

Let's change the subject.

The cardio routine also looks terrific, if you have access to a large flight of stairs and a pool (or the ocean). It sounds like a lot of fun, and I would like to do it eventually.

Which brings us back to the ab section. It's a series of nearly a dozen exercises meant to be done every other day. I didn't come anywhere near finishing even the "beginner" routine the first time I did this. I haven't even tried to start it again this time.

But it's still a good workout to aspire to. When I read a review over at Amazon that called this a good book for those just starting out, I had to laugh. I felt like it was only for people who'd been at it a while.

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