Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Turning Away

Well, I have some bad news.

I'm not that excited about it, anyway.

As I enter into the last half of the year, there has been a dramatic change in my schedule that is going to require an extra several hours a day of my time.

Unfortunately, this means that if I want to keep exercising and writing fiction, something has got to go from my life. We both know this thing can't be my family--my wife and kids are the reason I do everything else, so I can't cut back there.

So unfortunately, one of the things that has to go is this blog.

I think this has been coming for a while, but I've been reluctant to do it. The blog has created an accountability that was unmatched. The months I did the best in posting on it daily were the same months I lost the most weight and paid off the most debt.

Unfortunately, even as I try to return to those with laser-like intensity, that takes focus of everything else, including this blog.

Does that mean I'm going to stop posting altogether?

No. I will still consider this blog active. I will still post on it, possibly as much as weekly, and definitely at least once a month. However, I won't even be attempting to update it daily, so you don't need to check back that often any more.

But please do check back! I appreciate all of your support. I'm grateful you're all here, and I wish you all continued success in your own efforts.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

My Real Age

So, apparently, even though I'm 30.1, I'm really 32.3.

But if I do the right stuff, I could be 20 again in 90 days.

So what constitutes the "right stuff?" Check out this list of 12 of the biggest factors in your "real age."

Go ahead and take the test--it's not nearly as long as I had thought previously, and you can skip most of the questions you probably don't know.

In my case, it encouraged me to get a better "social support" network, to quit talking on my cell phone while I drive, to take a multi-vitamin, and to floss more.

And, of course, to lose some weight.